Two siblings residing under the same roof allegedly took sibling rivalry to another level. An adult female and her adult…
Continue ReadingTwo siblings residing under the same roof allegedly took sibling rivalry to another level. An adult female and her adult…
Continue ReadingBoyfriend and girlfriend reside together in the same apartment. After a verbal argument the boyfriend physically assaulted his girlfriend. When…
Continue ReadingPolice Report: Two men had an altercation inside a bar. Bouncers who observed the altercation quickly responded by asking both…
Continue ReadingA college student in a culinary arts program was charged with felony assault. While working in a kitchen on his…
Continue ReadingTwo brothers got into a fight in their family home. One brother was apparently drunk and under the influence of…
Continue ReadingAlleged drug-induced girlfriend assaulted boyfriend by biting and kicking him repeatedly about his body resulting in physical injury. Girlfriend was…
Continue ReadingWitness allegedly sees ex-girlfriend punch ex-boyfriend in the face and smash windows of his automobile. Police were notified and female…
Continue ReadingSerious domestic disturbance between husband and wife. Husband allegedly grabs wife by neck, throws her to floor, and punches her…
Continue ReadingWitness allegedly sees mother throw minor-daughter down onto a bed and punch daughter in the face with a closed first…
Continue ReadingMan involved in verbal altercation with female over a parking space. Third party witness contacted police and reported that man…
Continue ReadingMan charged with physically assaulting his sister by pushing her to the ground causing her to hit head and lose…
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